Consultant Gynaecologist at Prime Hospital removes 168 fibroids from a woman's uterus saving her uterus.
Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran, Consultant Gynaecologist @ Prime Hospital operated on a 39-year-old Kenyan woman and extracted 168 fibroids, the size of these fibroids ranged from 1 cm to 12cm. Dr. USHA Kiran said, "To the best of our knowledge, this is the highest number of fibroids removed reported in the UAE."

The current Guinness world record for the highest number of fibroids removed stands at 236. Fibroids are the commonest tumors of the uterus. They are more common in African women as compared to other races. Fibroids although not cancerous, cause troublesome symptoms such as heavy bleeding, pressure, and bloating and may interfere with fertility. Although many nonsurgical treatments are available, they do not completely dissolve the fibroids. Dr. Usha Kiran who is a Level 3/4 Laparoscopic surgeon said, " due to the innumerable fibroids of various sizes, the laparoscopic approach was not possible in this patient but we managed to give her a bikini line incision which is at least aesthetically appealing.
She also added, they managed to do the surgery in less than 2 hours and the patient did not require any blood transfusion despite a large number of fibroids. But the best part of this story was, the woman's uterus was saved and she can get pregnant if she wishes to in the future. Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran is a UK-trained Consultant Laparoscopic surgeon, who has been practicing in Dubai since 2016. She says that the number of fibroids she has seen is much more in Dubai in the last 6 years as compared to what she came across in the UK. It is probably due to the different nationality mix of patients in Dubai. Dr. Usha Kiran is an experienced Laparoscopic surgeon, who has done more than 1500 laparoscopic surgeries @ Prime Hospital.
She is also the first to have introduced the SCARLESS SURGERY ( vNOTES) in the UAE and is currently the only certified SCARLESS SURGEON in the UAE. She is very active on social media, goes by the name 'woman are by Dr. Usha Kiran' and puts out patient information & educational videos/posts. She urges women to undergo not just general health checks but to have yearly gynecological health checkups, especially after the age of 40 even when there are no symptoms as some conditions might present very late.